Tree Growth Regulator (TGR) Application

a tree being treated for the tree growth regulatorThe application of TGR’s is relatively new to Wayne-White Counties Electric Cooperative (WWCEC). TGR’s will be used to help control those “cyclebuster” and hard to get to trees that are continually causing system reliability issues.

Caring for trees under power lines requires regular pruning. Tree Growth Regulators (TGRs) reduce the frequency and amount that trees must be pruned. A tree growth regulator is a specially designed compound that, when applied to a tree, controls growth in the tree’s crown. A treated tree grows more slowly, and requires less pruning. WWCEC utilizes a 4-year pruning cycle. With the application of TGR’s, fewer branches are removed from the trees when they are pruned. That means a healthier, more natural-looking tree, and fewer visits from our utility arborists crews to your property. WWCEC arborists make tree-by-tree assessments to determine which trees would benefit from TGR’s. If we determine that your tree would benefit from TGR application, we will talk with you so that you can make an informed decision. Application of the TGR is free of charge.

For additional questions, call our office at (618) 842-2196.

Certified Arborist LogoWayne-White has in-house crews of Certified Arborists and Utility Arborists that provide daily vegetation management along the right-of-way of our 3000+ miles of energized lines. For more information, call (618) 842-2196.