Understanding My Bill

What Is the Service Availability Charge on My Bill?

The Service Availability charge is a monthly fee charged per meter and is not dependent on how much energy you use. It is designed to pay for the transformers, poles, lines, breakers, vegetation management and maintenance/repair cost associated with having electricity available to you. This is your minimum bill before you ever use one kWh of electricity.

Bill example - front

1. Billing Summary

This section shows the billing date, your balance forward, and total amount due. It also shows the due date of the bill.

2. Meter & Readings

This row presents your meter number, number of days in the billing cycle, meter readings, and rate schedule. Your account number is listed above this row, along with your service address.

3. Current Service Details

This section details current charges, including the service availability charge, energy usage charge, taxes, Air Evac, and WORKS Roundup charges. WORKS Roundup rounds your bill to the next dollar, with funds providing financial assistance to members in need.

4. Energy Usage Comparison

Compares usage from current month, last month and same month last year, along with averages for the month.The graph also compares usage and average temperature for the last 12 months so you can see the difference in your energy consumption for the past year.

5. Remittance Stub

The bottom of the statement is a tear-off remittance stub to be returned with your payment. It outlines your total due, due date, and amount due after due date.

You can also pay by phone, via SmartHub, by mail, or at our Fairfield or Enfield office in person or by night drop.

There’s Now a Back of the Bill

The back portion of the bill will be updated monthly. If you add an account to your membership and start an invoice group where both of your accounts are on the same bill, your bill will look slightly different than this one.

Bill example - back

1. Contact Info

Our address, phone numbers, hours, and website are listed at the top of the back page of the bill.

2. Helpful Information

Helpful information will be updated monthly on the back of your bill. Tips, upcoming events, reminders, etc. will now be found here so be sure to check it out!

3. Ways to Pay

The many convenient options we have to pay your bill are listed along this section.

4. Meter Reading Boxes

If you have a water account, the boxes to report your monthly meter reading are now located on the back of your stub.