Long-time Employee Retiring

Judy Wood
Always a friendly face when you walk in, Judy will be sorely missed.

Judy Wood -- the first person you have seen as you walked into the office at Wayne-White Electric for many years. So many people know Judy and enjoy getting to say "Hi" as they come in for business.

January 4, 2024, Judy is finally calling it quits, retiring after over 32 years of service to Wayne-White Counties Electric Cooperative. To celebrate her retirement, we will have a come and go party for her that day from 1-5p.m. in our Board Room. It is open to retirees and the public.

Judy started at Wayne-White Electric on November 12, 1991. Fun facts from 1991: a gallon of gas was $1.12; a dozen eggs were 85 cents; average monthly rent was $495; Operation Desert Storm was happening; the top movie for the week was Curly Sue; Prince had the #1 song, Cream and the United States President was George H.W. Bush.

After 32 years, Judy has seen many changes from technology, coworkers, an office remodel, and many different hair styles. Before she goes, we asked Judy to reflect on her time at Wayne-White.

A favorite memory: "My favorite memory would be the expression of love and support I received when my late husband Curt experienced serious health problems. To say the least, my family was overwhelmed by the love and support we received. It kept our spirits up and encouraged us every day and I will be forever grateful."

Favorite part of the job: "Being able to experience various job responsibilities throughout my employment and getting to know people in this community and surrounding communities. Building lasting relationships with past and present co-workers."

What you will miss the most: "Being able to share my life experiences with my co-workers and keeping up with what's going on in their lives as well. I'll miss the entertaining moments with past and present employees, the laughs and the overall family aspect and close-knit relationship of the cooperative family and knowing you can always count on them."

Plans for retirement: "My plans are to marry my fiancé Rich Talbert and move to Wayne City. I'm sure I will be busy with grandkids, landscaping, gardening, and traveling, and taking in as many live music performances as we can."

When reflecting on her time at Wayne-White, Judy states, "Though I have looked forward to the next chapter in my life, it saddens me that I will have to leave such fine people. The years that I've worked for Wayne-White are some of the most rewarding years of my life. I will enjoy my retirement I am sure, but the cooperative family will always be in my heart wherever I go. I want to express my sincere gratitude for having the opportunity to make my employment an enjoyable one and I shall always be proud to say that I was employed at Wayne-White Counties Electric Cooperative."

Although we will sorely miss Judy's friendly face and hilarious personality, we know she has so much to look forward to in her retirement between her grandkids, family and new life with Rich. In the wise (slightly edited) words of the Beatles, "Hey Jude, don't let me down. You have found him, now go and get him." Enjoy it Jude....you deserve it.